Self-Directed Programs

All Junior Achievement (JA) Programs have strong ties to the Alberta curriculum and provide learners with financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship training. When you select a self-directed online program from the many options below, you will be redirected to our national website, where you will be asked to register with a username and password before starting the self-directed online program of your choice.

*Junior Achievement does not share or sell your information to outside sources and the email address will only be used to provide you with relevant educational content.

Curious About Currency: Learning Modules

3 Learning Modules Available

Dive into the world of currency! Explore what currency is and why it’s important. Learn about exchanging currency and how to manage your money when using different currencies.

Preparing for Post-Secondary: Learning Modules

Life after High School.

Explore the various post-secondary pathways, learn about important financial considerations and discover how to budget effectively for your post-secondary journey.

Your Money Questions Answered: Learning Modules

Your Journey to Money Independence

From payment options to savings and debt, teens have money questions. With new interactive learning modules built just for them, teens can gain the money knowledge and skills they need — and develop financial independence along the way. This series is brought to you by JA with support from our national development partner, Neo Financial™

Success Skills Webinars

Welcome to the Success Skills Webinar Series. This three-part on-demand series empowers youth with skills to enhance their resilience, build confidence, and learn transferable skills. The webinars can be viewed as a series in any order and is intended for students in grades 8-12. 


Transferable Skills

Stories of Success

Financial Future Modules

Welcome to JA’s Financial Future Modules. These short interactive educational modules are focused on various money concepts, and can be completed in any order and any quantity. 

My Career Goals

My Credit and Spending

The Financial Rollercoaster

My Transferable Skills

Paying for My Wants and Needs

Paying for My Needs and Wants

Planning for My Future Income

Bite Sized Learning Modules

Online Learning Experiences that Run 30 Minutes or Less

Bizcraft (Grades 4-6)

50% of businesses fail within the first year. Do you have the skills to craft a successful business? Test your passion, perseverance, and preparedness in Bizcraft.

Curriculum Links: Social Studies, Math, Language Arts, Health, Art

Career Exploration Centre (Grades 8-12)

The Career Exploration Centre is an open-access virtual platform designed for self-exploration. With a variety of learning resources, the centre is designed to help students aged 13-18 learn about trends and emerging career opportunities so they can be better informed and prepared to make decisions about their future career choices.

Economics for Success (Grades 8-10)

The transition from high school to post-secondary education or employment can be overwhelming. You may even feel that your high-school experiences haven’t adequately prepared you to meet the demands of university, a career, or living on your own.

In Economics for Success, you can take a closer look at the advantages of staying in school, as well as learn what’s needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Sign up today to explore the link between education and achieving your goals.

Curriculum Links: CALM, CTS, CTF, Math, English Language Arts

Entrepreneurial Trades (Grades 9-12)

In JA’s Entrepreneurial Trades online program, students will encounter multiple learning mediums that will assist them in understanding, analyzing, evaluation and applying financial and business skills essential for a successful trades career.

Students will learn the business side of the skilled trades to complement the technical training they receive in school. Combined, these skills help students successfully transition to further education or employment opportunities.

Curriculum Links: CTS

Investment Strategies Program (ISP) – Online (Grades 8 -12)


Investment Strategies Program (ISP)

Junior Achievement’s Investment Strategies Program (ISP) is an experiential online course. The program introduces students to the stock market, its relation to our economy, and how it is used to achieve financial goals.

Interactive Lessons:

• Two to four hour orientation
• Six weeks for Canada-wide competition

Curriculum Correlation:

• Mathematics
• English Language Arts

Keep Your Balance App (Grades 8-10)

Welcome to the “Keep Your Balance” activity. You are moving out on your own! You will receive no help from home! In this scenario you are old enough to drive a car if you choose to include the expenses of a car in your monthly expenses. You may share accommodation but each person must have his or her own bedroom.

Youth Well-being Challenge (Grades 8-10)

This overall challenge focuses on key areas such as self-belief, attitude, perseverance, communication, and learning. Our goal is to inspire and motivate you to take meaningful steps toward improving your overall well-being.

Includes resources to empower youth and promote well-being tactics to becoming more resilient.